26 Douglas West, Douglas, Cork. Tel : 021 489 0300/021 489 0303

Repetitive Strain Injuries


These injuries may involve soft tissues, joints and neural tissues to varying degrees. They occur often without the presence of structural damage.

A thorough assessment is required to identify the involved structures and the source of irritability.

Physiotherapy treatment is implemented to reduce the symptoms caused by the affected tissue often in conjunction with medication and pain management procedures if indicated.

As the underlying cause of these injuries is often multi-factorial, the physiotherapist treating these problems needs a wide range of skills at their disposal.

Physiotherapy treatment includes:

  • soft tissue techniques to reduce and resolve irritation,
  • mobilisation and decompression of involved neural structures,
  • treating areas of nerve entrapment,
  • improving joint flexibility,
  • increasing postural awareness and enhancing the strength and control of the postural musculature,
  • addressing work station ergonomics, work duties and manual handling techniques (if these have been identified as contributory factors),
  • advising regarding leading a more active lifestyle.

These conditions are often slow to resolve and need a systematic management by an experienced physiotherapist to adopt a multi-faceted approach in conjunction with other members of the multidisciplinary team.


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