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As we head into the spring and summer seasons lots of us will be completing 5K, 10K, half Marathon or even full Marathon runs.   As every runner will know, the biggest fear whilst training is developing an injury which side-lines you from the running track for any period of time.  Here at Neasa Long Partnership Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic we would like to offer some tips on both injury prevention and management. Over the last few years following the release of Christopher McDougall’s book “Born to Run”, much blame has been placed on the role of the running shoes in

By definition repetitive strain injuries implies   “An injury of the musculoskeletal and nervous system that may be caused by repetitive tasks, forceful exertions, vibrations, mechanical compression or sustained and awkward postures”. It can often be an injury that has a slow and insidious onset so much so that we don’t recognise the early signs in its development. Here are some tips on what to watch for in the varying stages of repetitive strain injuries and some ideas on preventing the onset of same.  The term Repetitive Strain Injury implies repeated trauma to a body tissue. Repetitive trauma often is not

The importance of correct foot wear when running can not be underestimated. When choosing a shoe there are several factors which need to be taken into consideration to ensure the shoe is most appropriate for the individual. Because everyones feet move differently and are different shapes, the ideal shoe for one person may differ completely from the next. Also many shoes are built with different characteristics which make them ideal for certain activities or specific surfaces. The correct shoe for someone therefore needs to be selected to suit their feet and their specific needs. It is also important to emphasise that

Adopting a poor sitting posture can easily become second nature, causing episodes of back and neck pain, repetitive strain injury and damaging spinal structures. When you are sitting for long periods, it is easy to adopt a slouched position, placing excessive strain on spinal joints, muscles and discs. Understanding how to sit correctly is vital in prevention of back pain, particularly if your work involves sitting for long periods.  Fortunately, the main factors affecting posture and ergonomics are within your control and can be easily altered with the correct advice. Good posture is the position which is attained when the joints